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禾廷工业是由注册于香港的禾廷国际联合美国资本以及上海当地资本组建的一家专业生产电机,风机的公司,并且现在能够为广大客户提供一站式采购服务,依托禾廷国际丰富工业行业经验,成熟的供应链体系,通过全球合作,逐步了解并吸收跨国公司的管理经验和先进理念,形成了丰富的产品线,为全球客户提供各种产品包括MRO产品,以及在国际品牌中国本土化生产方面有着丰富的经验及多个成功案例。 禾廷工业设备(上海)有限公司,驻足上海,辐射全球。禾廷工业有专门的工厂生产目前畅销欧洲的电动机,离心风机,钣金加工,冲压件,同时我们还能提供环保产品,物流储运产品,劳防用品,电动手动工具等一系列维持公司正常运营用的工业品(MRO产品即非生产原料),同时为客户提供专业的Sourcing(即供应商开发)外包服务,为跨国公司本地化发展提供服务。到2009年年底,禾廷工业已经成为多家世界500强公司的中国供应商,并为多个瑞典品牌,德国品牌,还有为数不少的美国公司成功开发了合格供应商,使其产品顺利的本土化生产。 禾廷工业愿与广大客户特别是专注于全球业务的跨国公司共同成长,为客户提供质优价廉的商品,以及专业优秀的供应商服务。 Hautin Industrial Co., LTD is famous in producing motors and fans, besides, now is an integrated supplier for MRO products, invested by capital from both HK and American, together with local sources in Shanghai, with years of experience in global cooperation with other international companies, Hautin Industrial gradually gains knowledge in management and advanced thinking, developing ranges of products in MRO goods, besides, we have developed successful cases for localization for world-known brand in China. Hautin Industrial Co., LTD, settling down in Shanghai China, serves globally. Hautin Industrial has factories to produce electrical motors and centrifugal fans, sheet metal process, punching parts, that we have stable business in European market, besides, we provide environment protect produces, logistic and warehouse products, PPE products, tools etc as MRO goods to customers. We help our customers local produce their products, we are expert in local sourcing. By the end of 2009, we have successfully been supplier of customers in top 500 companies globally, help them local produce their products. Hautin industry would like to grow up with all International companies who focus on global business, and provide products with cheap price but qualified, as well as local sourcing serves.

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